Meditation Method: You are the Spark

Hello, beautiful soul.

Meditation can be a beautiful way to connect with your true self, but it can also be incredibly frustrating. The goal of these Conscious Connection articles is to help ease your transition into a meditative practice. Not every method is for everyone, so take what resonates for you, and leave what doesn’t. This is your journey; embody it to the fullest.

At conception, there is a spark of light. That spark of light represents the uniting of your mind (or your human) and your soul (or your divine self). The union is what makes up you. You are the awareness of both these entities, the human and the soul. As this awareness, you have the power to reside in close connection with with your head and your heart.

So what does that spark mean?

You, as the spark, have the ability to travel up inside your body to your mind, and reside within the ego. This happens when you rationalize, do math, or make a list for the grocery store. This can be a very helpful space to live in to help navigate your current environment. On the flip side, an overidentification with the mind can lead to stress, overthinking, and attachment to fear.

When you allow the spark to drop down inside your soul (mine likes to sit right around my stomach), this is when you experience peace, loving detachment, and meditative states.

The Method: Envisioning the Spark

Get comfortable. Close your eyes, and begin to breathe deeply. Let your mind work out any last thoughts it has to offer. Just notice these thoughts, allowing them to have presence and then float away. Keep breathing deeply, as this will help to slow the mind.

Begin to breathe into your stomach. Mouth closed, inhaling and exhaling through your nose. As you do this, allow your stomach to expand and contract in a natural rhythm.

Once you have found a peaceful place, begin to visualize an energetic chord connecting your soul to your mind. Visualize this cord running the length of your torso, starting in your stomach (or wherever your own soul sits) and ending in your head. Once you have a strong connection to this cord, notice the spark that is present in the middle of the cord.

As you observe the spark, you notice that It can move up and down the cord, like a bead on a bracelet. Continuing to observe, you notice that as the spark moves closer to your soul, you feel more relaxed, more peaceful, and more present. The further the spark gets from your head, the quieter your mind becomes.

Begin allowing the spark to slowly travel deeper and deeper within you. Slowly flowing down the chord, closer and closer to your soul. As it lowers you feel more and more peaceful, more and more relaxed. Allow the spark to connect fully with your soul. Allow it to be enveloped by the light of your inner being.

If the spark continues to try and flow up to your head, that’s okay. Simply observe its movements, intending for it to come to rest within your soul. Continue to observe the spark until you feel deeply peaceful, or until it has found connection with your inner light.

When you are ready, begin to bring your awareness back to your body. Notice the tingling in your hands and feet, and notice how your body feels. Take three long, deep breaths, and when you are ready, open your eyes.

Helpful Tips

  • Your spark may not want to stay in your soul space, or connect to your soul at all: that’s okay! The more you practice and let go of your mind, the easier it will become. The goal of this meditation is to increase your awareness of the spark that is you, not to get it to stay in your soul forever and ever amen. Allow any movements along the chord to happen, trusting that you are doing just fine.
  • I often find, as someone who experiences low back pain after sitting for too long, that laying down in a semi-erect position allows me to relax completely for this meditation, without falling asleep. If you would like to try it, simply lay down on the floor with a pillow or two underneath your back and head, and allow your body to relax.
  • If you are someone who likes to play music during meditations, I find that 528 Hz to be really soothing. I’ve linked a good Youtube video for this here:

Final thoughts

I hope you found this helpful! Please comment below what you thought, and be on the lookout for the corresponding guided mediation on Instagram!

Love and light to you,

Izzy <3