Connecting to Your Intuition: Hearing the Wisdom Within

Imagine, for a moment, that you are standing on the beach. As you look out onto the ocean, you can see the choppy waves as they crash over the shoreline. You can hear the water crashing as each wave unfurls over the other, over and over again. You can see the water relentlessly wash up on the shore, pulling the sand back with it.

Looking out to the horizon, you can see the point where the sky meets the sea, where it is hard to distinguish where the sky ends, and the water begins. You notice how much more peaceful and still the water rests as it drifts closer to the horizon.

Same water, different waves.

That shoreline is like your mind- constantly moving, working, churning stirring things up. Working relentlessly to move and shift the sands. Making a lot of noise as it goes about its daily tasks. As you move further towards the horizon, the stillness of the water represents your intuition. The inner piece of you that is always clam, loving, and peaceful.

Just like in the ocean, these two seemingly separate energies beings exist simultaneously in the sea that is you. You have both a mind and an intuition, an ego and a soul, a conscious and a subconscious. But so often we are only aware of the shoreline. We only focus on the waves as they beat along the shore, and we celebrate the power of the water (our thoughts).

But we ignore the still, calm water by the horizon. Often we forget about the still place within us that resonates at the level of truth, love, and light. We also forget that we are not just the waves, nor just the water on the horizon.

We are the observer of both.

When you can tap into that knowledge, the wisdom that you have both a mind and a soul, an intuition and an ego, that’s when the magic happens.

Einstein once said, ‘The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.’

When we can connect the soul to the mind, the ego to the intuition, and sit in the middle as the observer, we gain access to both the infinite wisdom of our inner beings and the intellectual power of our minds. We already know how to tap into our minds- but how do we connect to our inner beings?

As I mentioned on this week’s podcast, there is a really simple way to bring the wisdom of your inner voice into your everyday life. If you haven’t watched the episode, you can listen here.

In the episode, I talk about my favorite method of inner-voice communication- Writing. When you write to your intuition, it takes journaling to the next level. Yes, you are talking to yourself, but think of it this way: Thinking is just your mind talking to your mind.

When you talk to your intuition, you bring a new, fresh, wise, and truthful perspective to the situation. You finally allow your mind to breathe and talk to someone other than itself. Your mind has questions, and your intuition has answers.

This type of journaling is the most essential piece of my daily routines- there is never a day where I don’t write to my intuition. It has truly transformed my life in so many ways. It’s a combination of therapy, deep inner work, and constant inspiration.

body of water during golden hour

So, how do you hear from your inner voice?

Start by asking this simple question: ‘Am I okay?’ Just listen for the answer- for most people, it will bubble up either from their heart center or deep in their gut. Remember, you are the observer- you can witness both the thoughts from your mind and the feelings from your intuition.

So, ask the question from your mind, then drop your awareness down, either into your gut or your heart center, and listen for the answer that comes up. The inner voice has a completely different energy than your thinking mind. The intuition is always, and I do truly mean always, peaceful, loving, wise, calm, and true.

You’ll know you’ve heard from your intuition when you can feel that energy shift. For me, it either feels like I just got a hug in word form, or it feels like the most wise spiritual teacher just whispered into my heart. It may feel different for you- and that’s okay!

Start playing with this concept of asking a question from your mind and listening for the answer from your intuition. I find that in the beginning, asking questions like, ‘Am I okay?’ ‘Am I safe?’ ‘Am I enough?’ and ‘Am I loved?’ are the best way to get a baseline for what your intuition will feel and sound like that day. I always open my journaling sessions with those questions- and I’ve been doing this for five years.

The more you practice, the clearer and longer answers you will get. Typically, the intuition is very succinct- it will say only one or two words, but those words will be extremely powerful. I can truly say that listening to my intuition has changed my life, and I hope you find the same joy and comfort in it that I have.

At the beginning of The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle tells a parable of a man and a beggar. The beggar has been sitting on a box for many years, and a man comes to talk to him. When the man asks the beggar what’s in the box, he replies that he doesn’t know, and it doesn’t matter because he is sure it is empty. The man urges him to open to the box, and when the beggar does, he finds treasure. Eckhart says that he is the man with nothing to give you but is telling you to look to the treasure within.

That is what I’m asking you to do now.

There is nothing I cannot tell you that your intuition does not already know. There is no problem you have that your intuition does not have a solution for, and no question you can ask that your intuition does not have an answer to.

You simply have to look inside, and trust in your inner self.

I believe in you, and deep down you do too.

To help, I’ve included below a sample of my own conversations with my inner voice, so that you can see what writing to your intuition may look like. My mental thoughts and questions are in bold, and the words not bolded are the inner voice’s answers.  

This sample is from about two years ago when I was still dealing with the loss of ballet and struggling with many health issues. My inner voice is a lot more wordy now than it was then, but this is a great example of how your IV will sound at the beginning. I chose this particular sample because it shows some main themes that are consistent in everyone’s inner voice that I’ve heard so far: Joy, love, and worthiness.

Some other common things the inner voice loves to say is relax, allow, all is well, and breathe. Often the inner voice will also have a nickname for you- as you can see here, my inner voice likes to say, ‘My love.’

I hope you find this helpful! As always, if you have any questions, please leave a comment below or shoot me an email.

Am I safe?


Am I loved?

Always, my lovely one.

What do I need to heal?

Find joy.

Find joy in what?




Is it always possible?


Even when things aren’t going my way?

Things are always going your way.

Even when my mind doesn’t like it?

Yes, the mind is futile.

What do I need to heal?

Your soul.

What about my soul is wounded?

Your heart.

What wounded my heart?




Can I heal it?



Find joy in yourself.

How do I find joy within myself?

Believe you are worthy.

Am I worthy?


What am I worthy of?


What about me makes me worthy of love?

Your presence.

Is that enough?

Yes, always.

Thank you so much for reading!

Love and light,


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