The Observer Effect
There is a famous phenomenon in quantum physics called the observer effect. Simplified, this phenomenon means that simply observing a particle changes the outcome of an experiment. Physicist Pascaul Jordan described this phenomenon by saying, “observations not only disturb what has to be measured, they produce it…. we ourselves produce the results of measurements.” According to Wikipedia, the observer effect is “a disturbance of an observed system through the act of observation.”
Although in quantum physics this effect is not relegated to just human consciousness, Dr. Masaru Emoto proved that the observer effect is not simply a quantum phenomenon.
Dr. Emoto: Experiments with Water
In 1999, Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist, carried out a series of experiments to test the effect of words, thoughts, and emotions on water. When he began his experiments, Emoto wanted to test his hypothesis that water could react to positive thoughts and words, and that polluted water could be cleaned through prayer and positive visualization.
To test his hypothesis, Emoto took pure water, sent an intention through it via meditation, prayer, or simply a word on a piece of paper. After doing this, he froze the water, then used a specialized microscope to observe the crystalline structures that formed. The results were astounding (see pictures below).

Emoto conclusively proved that our intentions effect water. Positive thoughts or feelings, such as joy, I love you, and Thank you produces beautiful crystalline structures, while words like evil and you disgust me produce warped, garbled specimens that did not even form crystals.

After these experiments, Emoto tested water before and after being exposed to things like gratitude, prayer, or love. These experiments revealed that prayer really does clean energy, allowing it to form beautiful crystalline structures when frozen. In addition to thoughts and intentions, Emoto tested the effects of different kinds of music.

For more pictures, and the full story behind Emoto’s experiments, I highly recommend the book, Hidden Messages of Water, which you can find here.
While these experiments are beautiful and groundbreaking in and of themselves, they hold enormous implications for spirituality and healing.
The Power of Positive Thinking
The human body is roughly 75% water. Emoto proved that our intentions, and therefore our thoughts, directly affect the structure and cleanliness of water. Given the high concentration of water in the body, imagine how our thoughts could impact our physical health.
I think, therefore I am. -Rene Descartes
When Rene Descartes made his famous statement ‘Cognito Ergo Sum’, or ‘I think, therefore I am,’ he was not far from the truth. Our thoughts impact our reality, and in fact the very water that composes the majority of our body. Thus, negative thoughts have negative impact on our bodies, and therefore our health, and positive thoughts create positive changes.
Emoto’s experiments are just another reason to make positive changes in your thinking. If you were to say the thoughts you think to water, what would the crystal look like? Becoming more mindful of the words inside our heads is one way to make positive changes to both our internal and external worlds.
In addition to changing your thinking, Emoto’s experiments have vast implications for the power of prayer and intention. Adding these elements to your daily rituals, or creating a mindfulness routine centered around intention and prayer, may have the power to not only heal your own body, but to actually make the water concentration of the world more beautiful and pure.

Remember, the human body is approximately 75% water, and the Earth itself is 71% water. Imagine the impact we could have with just a little more mindfulness.
As you go through your day today, stop and ask yourself: How could my thoughts be affecting my reality?
Is the music I am listening to full of positive, loving vibrations, or warped, harmful vibrations? Are the words I am speaking creating beautiful crystals, and infusing my inner and outer world with beauty?
We do not know the full implications of Emoto’s studies on water. But imagine how beautiful you could make your inner environment, simply through the power of positive thought.